tami's mission...

I hoped they'd call me on a mission... I didn't even have to grow a foot or two! :)

Hi! My name is Tami. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have recently accepted a call from the Lord to serve as a missionary in the Brazil Campinas Mission. Beginning August 28, 2013, I will be serving as 'Irma Larrabee' (that's "Sister Larrabee" in Portuguese). Follow my adventure as I get to know the good people of Brazil and share with them the thing I love the most, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is true!

Monday, November 4, 2013

I Stand All Amazed

This week included the best day of my life. We taught our second Lesson with Julie and Steve. It was on the Plan of Salvation – a lesson that addressed the questions of "Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?" We began to explain why bad things have to happen – how we have to experience pain in order to experience more joy. They understood about that. They explained how this horrible ordeal of cancer has brought them deeper joy in their marriage than ever before. They explained how they wake up each day more in love than the day before. It is because they have put their collective life in the hands of Christ. He has unified them. No matter what happens, it will be okay because Christ loves them and they love Christ. Julie is confined to her house of the hospital. She can leave once a week and she has chosen to use that to go to church on Sundays. She is so sick, and yet her focus is "Now that I'm Mormon, how can I use my talents to serve others?" They are both so positive and happy in the middle of everyone's worst nightmare because they have put their life in God's hands and they trust Him. What an example they are to me. She also spent the last 5 minutes of the lesson encouraging us. She said that although not many receive us and listen to what we have to teach, there are people – like them – who are searching for this truth. We have spent about 3 hours total with them, but they told us that those 3 hours have changed their lives and brought them so much peace and knowledge. The hour I spent with them that day was the best hour of my life.

And my day got even better. After that, we got to attend the baptism of another investigator. The other missionaries in our ward have been teaching a man named “Richard”. He's 29. He is so awesome. The Spirit at his baptism was amazing. He knew he was making the right choice. I marveled all day that God let me be the one who came to Virginia and be the one to teach Julie and Steve. He allowed me to witness the miracle of Richard's baptism. He allowed me to be companions with Sister Pierson (who is so incredibly wonderful). All God asked of me was to be worthy and willing to preach His Gospel and He FILLS my soul with happiness. It is difficult to describe the Joy that I feel from forgetting myself and sharing the true Gospel with God's children. I stand all amazed that God offers this opportunity to me. I am humbled. I am blessed. I am so loved. I could never deny His love for me, His spirit reassures my heart every day, and I see beautiful witnesses of His love for me everywhere.

If you seek for truth with faith in Christ and real intent, He will manifest truth unto you through His Holy Ghost. I know it, because I know Him.

Lots of Love,

Sister Larrabee

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